Contact Us
Office 307, Apex Atrium
Motor City, Dubai
Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have any job vacancies.
Tel: +971.56.228.1400
Tel: 04.430.8500
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Fortune Tower JLT / Landlord / 4,000 sq ft / 5 weeks
Orion - Fortune Tower JLT
Consult and Design
Orion Systems based in Fortune Tower JLT, are suppliers of high-technology solutions and trusted security systems. Working together with their teams, we were tasked to produce and design their existing offices to showcase their automated office technology equipment’s in a working environment.
Our teams planned every single aspect of this project , all electrical needs had to complement the new look office. We accomplished this by having numerous workshops with Orion’s teams to find and source every component prior fit out.
Manage and build
The existing office required significant deconstruction of the space, due to the age of the building. Our team also had the task of completing this project by still allowing the Orion team to work in their office. We accomplished this by carefully phasing work in zones and by completing all noisy works within night hours.
We implemented many controlled automation items around a designed industrial look layout. This included industrial ceiling with clean line design and meeting rooms with sliding glass. All the lighting elements where controlled by Dali motion sensors systems. HAVC systems where temperature calibrated for air balancing by fitting automated volume control dampers, controlled by remote thermostats.
The New Space
The final space included a working office with 40 fixed workstations, open plan desks , several meeting areas finished by a centralized lounge area. To enhance productivity, we provided Orion with 50% more meeting spaces by cleverly using the space. Each zone was designed to offer a different type of working task.
The new designed space now represents the activity of their industry with small touches of decorations and accessories to make it stand out.
The clients now have a dominate area where they can be shown all the latest modern gadgets, without interrupting the working office.
Not only has the new space merged the business, but it has transformed the way Orion works entirely and supports their forward-thinking entity.
Contact Us
Office 307, Apex Atrium
Motor City, Dubai
Tel: +971.56.228.1400
Tel: 04.430.8500
Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have any job vacancies.