Contact Us
Office 307, Apex Atrium
Motor City, Dubai
Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have any job vacancies.
Tel: +971.56.228.1400
Tel: 04.430.8500
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The One Tower / Landlord / 3,050 sq ft / 6 weeks
My Travel Biz - The One Tower Tecom
Consult and Design
My Travel Biz needed to expand their company and decided to take on a new branch in Dubai. They acquired a lease in the One Tower building in TECOM close to the metro station. We conducted several online design workshops with My Travel Biz team based in Canada, to construct a modern design that encapsulated their brand and supported their needs.
Manage and build
The timescale of this fit out was challenging, as we took a 3030 sq ft shell and core space to a full Cat B fit out in 5 weeks whilst also completing all inspections and commissioning. We combined two offices by removing internal walls and adding new MEP and IT works throughout the space. We also provided MTB a full brand bible which included logos and brand colors we utilized within the fit out. Our designers provided adequate zones for both workers and clients by adding training rooms and meeting rooms in areas of easy reach.
The New Space
Together, our team and My Travel Biz have created a remarkable client-facing space. We successfully delivered a vision of a customer experience center, comprising of multiple meeting rooms and breakout areas to enhance their client experience. By simply using their brand colors we achieved a work space that was vibrant and full of energy.
Contact Us
Office 307, Apex Atrium
Motor City, Dubai
Tel: +971.56.228.1400
Tel: 04.430.8500
Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have any job vacancies.